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Time is TBD


Virtual class

Daring Way™

Reserve your spot today!

Daring Way™
Daring Way™

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Virtual class

About the event

Our Daring Way™ classes are based on the work of Dr. Brenè Brown. This powerful psychoeducational and experiential seminar meets weekly for 12 sessions and is focused on exploring topics such as shame, vulnerability, and empathy. The primary focus of the seminar is to help participants build shame resilience skills and develop daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent, and lead. Further information about The Daring Way™ is available at

Currently our classes are being held viritually via our HIPPA compliant video conferencing software hosted via SimplePractice. For more information on how to sign up, please contact Participants are required to register prior to attending.

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